Adjective (ବିଶେଷଣ)

       An adjective is a word that used to add something to the meaning of noun or pronoun.

The following adjectives are always followed by ‘to’ preposition instead of than.

➯ Junior, senior, superior, inferior, prior, anterior, posterior,elder,prefer(v) etc.

Example -: David is superior to richer than most of his friends in village.

There are some adjectives which don’t admit of any comparative and superlative degree. Such adjectives denote absolute position.

➯ Perfect, unique, ideal, chief, universal, extreme, complete, entire, excellent, absolute, impossible, eternal, supreme,Rectangular, Circular, Empty, Full, Complete, Dead, Fatal, Free, Absolute, Adequate, Devoid, Favorite, Final, Infinite, Inevitable, Irrevocable, Meaningless, Worthless, Pregnant, Paramount, Stationary, Unanimous, Whole, Worth-less etc.

Attributive and Predicative use of adjectives:-
(1) Attributive use:- when adjective is used before a noun.(Nouns के पहले Adjective)
(2) Predicative use:- when adjective is followed by a noun.(Noun के बाद Adjective)

Certain adjectives are used in predicative position.-:

➯afraid, alone, asleep, awake, alike, alive, afloat, alert, aware, ashamed,fond, eager, sour. due, ready, unable, glad, sorry, well, alone, ill, sure, worth.

For example-: lll man, asleep boy, alone lady, afraid man,alike situation’ are wrong expressions.
The following are right expressions.
¶ She is ill.
¶ Both the sisters look alike.
¶ He is alone.

The order of adjectives qualifying a noun (S S A C N M)

➯ Size → Shape→ Age →Colour→ Nationality →Material→ Noun

For example-:              
(i)Twenty year old black American Negro.
(ii) A small Indian Stadium.
(iii) A big round black indian plastic table.
(iv) A spacious dark cell.
(v) A large glass room.


RULE -: When you compare one thing with another group, that should not be part of group.


INCORRECT-: Taj mahal is more beautiful than any building in India.
CORRECT-: Taj mahal is more beautiful than any other building in India .

INCORRECT-: Burj Khaleefa iş taller than any other building in India .
CORRECT-: Burj Khaleefa iş taller than any building in India.
INCORRECT-: Apple is healthier than frut.
CORRECT-: Apple is healthier than any other frut.
INCORRECT-: Apple is healthier than any other green vegetable.
CORRECT-: Apple is healthier than any green vegetable .

RULE -: Twice, thrice, 2-times,3-times, half, double, triple etc. do not take comparative degree with them.
INCORRECT-: This house is twice costlier than your house.
CORRECT-: This house is twice as costly as your house.

INCORRECT-: Swift Dzire is 3-times cheaper than Honda City .
CORRECT-: Swift Dzire is 3-times as cheap as Honda City .


Superlative Degree + Superlative Degree (Always)

INCORRECT-: French is the sweetest and most difficult language of all languages in world.
CORRECT-: French is the sweetest and more difficult language of all languages in world.
INCORRECT-: The FBI is the smartest and reputed investigating agency in the world .
CORRECT-: The FBI is the smartest and the most reputed investigating agency in the world .


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